A chapter from Beatrix Campbell's 1984 book Wigan Pier Revisited on redundancy and masculinity. Copied to clipboard Available for purchase here. Attachments Redundancy How It Feels - Beatrix Campbell.pdf (4.29 MB) United Kingdom unemployment feminism gender Beatrix Campbell PDF Comments
Crowbar #32 1984 Issue 32 of Crowbar from early 1984. Cropped and compressed from a scan by the comrades at the Spirit of Revolt archive, Glasgow. Contents include: Eviction of Wyers squat in Amsterdam, …
Social contract must go under - Anarchist Worker An article about Labour's attack on the social contract from issue number 34, April 1977 of the Anarchist Worker. Scanned by and gratefully taken…
Theorizing patriarchy - Silvia Walby Silvia Walby's 1990 book sets out a dual-systems approach to theorizing capitalism and patriarchy, synthesising Marxist and radical feminist…
What is gender? - Mary Holmes A contemporary introduction to the various sociological, philosophical and political approaches to gender.
On elder care work and the limits of Marxism - Silvia Federici Text by Silvia Federici on elder care and its relationship with capitalism, feminism, and the left.